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Hannah Malhotra
Soon I’ll have been teaching yoga for twenty years and practising for over twenty five! Yoga is part of my life because of the positive impact it has: I find that very simple techniques add balance, optimism and health to everyday life.
Over the years I’ve taught a diverse community, from pregnant and postnatal women to the elderly, from vulnerable teens to stroke survivors. I love meeting people in the classes and firmly believe that there is something for everyone in the broad and beneficial span of yoga practices.
My original yoga training was over 500 hours in a classical and holistic style of yoga. I am also accredited and insured as a teacher by the British Wheel of Yoga.
Ameet Malhotra
I have practised yoga in its many forms since childhood. Qualified to teach yoga in a variety of traditions, I have also completed courses with the Life Centre and am insured and accredited through the British Wheel of Yoga. The Yoga Village is a chance for us to share all that we know and love about yoga and make it practical, accessible and enjoyable for our students. I apply what I know about yoga to family life – and continue to learn with our students.
I am committed to finding new ways in which yoga can help make real changes to the experience of life. I have been teaching yoga for 12 years and have worked in a diverse range of environments including prisons, businesses, leisure centres and health clubs. In 2007 when Hannah was pregnant I also trained to teach pregnancy yoga, and in addition I completed an extended apprenticeship to teach birth preparation workshops. Having twice been a birth partner myself I am committed to supporting women, and to enabling men to be positively involved in labour and birthing. To this end I have taught birth preparation workshops at two London hospitals and continue to run regular day workshops in Nottingham.
I am a qualified Occupational Therapist, and while gaining experience in the medical and hospital environment I am also conducting research into Yoga Nidra.
We moved to Nottingham four weeks before our son was born in 2005, and through all the changes I have learned something about the beauty and challenges that parenthood brings, and this inspires me to work with families.
Our children
Our son, Rohan, was born in 2005. His birth story is published in a book entitled ‘Home Birth Stories’ which was edited and published by a Nottingham midwife in 2005. Our daughter, Mala, was born in 2008. Her birth story is included in Hannah’s blog ‘yoga helped me have a joyful birth’. The children are of course two of our best teachers!
Continued Professional Development
Hannah and Ameet are both highly qualified teachers of yoga and pregnancy yoga, and Hannah is also qualified as a postnatal yoga teacher. Our training amounts to a minimum of nine years between us – including our yoga teacher training, pregnancy and postnatal training, and birth workshop training. As we also continue to invest in our training this is infact much more! Recently we studied on a meditation course over eight months; Hannah has assisted on a Yoga Nidra training course for other yoga teachers, over nine months; and Ameet, while embarking on his Occupational Therapy MSc, conducted research into Yoga Nidra. In other words we invest in our training and we are confident that we offer a high level of teaching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_images_carousel images=”38410,38411,38412″ img_size=”large” onclick=”link_no” autoplay=”yes” hide_pagination_control=”yes” hide_prev_next_buttons=”yes” wrap=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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